Wednesday, 29 December 2010

A Great Legacy

This is a quote from a book I have found very helpfull on Prayer by O. Hallesby:

"It is written ' Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life' Psalm 23:6.  Verily the answers to your prayers will follow you, and none of them will fail to reach their destination.They are yours from the very moment you begin to pray in the name of Jesus, but they do not all reach you just as quickly.  And when you have prayed, it is not any more necessary for you to exert yourself to receive answers to your prayers than it is to exert yourself to receive letters which have been addressed to you.  They are brought by our efficient postal system directly to our doors.
This shower of answers to prayer will continue to your dying hour.  Nor will it cease then.  And when you pass out from beneath the shower, your dear ones will step into it.  Every prayer and every sigh which you have uttered for them and their future will, in god's time, descend upon them in a gentle rain of answers to prayer.
My friend, if you are not able to leave your children a legacy in the form of money or goods, do not worry about that.  And do not wear yourself to death either physically or spiritually in order to accumulate a great deal of property for your children; but to see to it, night and day, that you pray for them.  Then you will leave them a great legacy of answers to prayer, which will follow them all the days of their life.  
He who thus provides for his whole future life by child-like, persevering prayer will experience answers to prayer: not only in life, but also in death."

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