Sunday, 12 July 2020

Coronavirus Reflections #17

Last week we were able to meet in the church again for worship. We had a blended service using Zoom and the church. It worked very well. It is very strange though not being able to sing in the church and all having to distance so much. Our midweek service was held on Zoom only.

This week we are planning morning and afternoon services because the minister is visiting from a distance and so he will be provided with hospitality at the church between services.

Work has continued to be very busy this week and there was another large online meeting which worked well.

Tesco has stopped its one way system now. I'm not sure this is such a good idea as in my experience it certainly reduced the distancing. Numbers of cases and deaths went up yesterday. The government has said many times that restrictions will be increased where needed. Leicester still remanins under lockdown as the cases were too high for the restrictions to be eased last week.

Last weekend I was able to go in my sisters house instead of having dinner in the garden. Things are gradually returning to a resemblance of normal.

I have my return to work risk assessment interview scheduled for next week but I'm not sure when the plan to return will be fulfilled - mid to late August I would imagine.

The government announced this week plans for swimming pools and gyms to reopen. These are the last businesses remaining shut. They can reopen in a couple of weeks with distancing. The chancellor announced lots of measures to try to help to stimulate the economy - reducing stamp duty, reducing vat for the hospitality industry, grants to businesses for employing young people. Schools are making plans for returning in September with bubbles and one way systems.

It feels like we are on a journey and making progress but there is a long way to go yet and there may be several hurdles along the way but we know the Lord is in complete control, He has brought all of this into our path and He is with us all the way.

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