Thursday, 29 January 2009

Zambian Mission

On Tuesday night Phil Bailey came to talk at the midweek meeting about the work of Zambian Missions Support. It was a really fascinating talk and it is amazing how much the project has grown in just 5 years. What I was particularly impressed by was the farming project where they showed that with using good farming methods of planting at the right time and taking care of the ground with regular weeding the crop quality and yields could be increased enormously. Another interesting part of the project that he mentioned was the trials they are doing with different plants. There is a particular plant which is very effective in reducing the likelihood of malaria. Phil stated that he felt that one of the most important things in fighting AIDs was to encourage good nutrition. The people would then be strong enough to fight off infections. So, with good farming methods and increased food and variety of food and vegetables health and welfare should improve. In Zambia 1 in 4 people have AIDs.

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