Thursday, 26 February 2009

Lovely sky and another week

The sky was beautiful at sunset tonight. Shame I didn't have a camera, some lovely purples and oranges silhouetting the clouds.

The week has flown by and I haven't got around to posting. Somehow reading other blogs is more interesting! Last weekend I had a coffee morning for Caring for Life - a charity in Leeds which looks after vulnerable adults through projects based around the farm and other outreach. I had never done something like this before and was pleased that quite a few folks from church came and we raised a good sum.

At the moment I am reading Holiness by J.C. Ryle. It is an excellent book and in a strange way very contemporary. Particular challenges that arise from the book are the need for us each to have increased faith, we so often like to keep our own crutches of support without trusting completely in the Lord and leaving all to Him. Another problem he highlights as a failing of the church is a lack of strong conviction about what we believe and why. Many were indifferent about various doctrines and therefore not standing distinct from the world and able to give an answer to faith questions. He particularly emphasises this with reference to the battle against Rome. A lack of strong conviction is a problem that is still present today although we do not just battle against Rome.

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