Tuesday, 23 March 2010


A week or so ago I heard a very encouraging sermon from Nehemiah 4: 'Remember the Lord'.  A good motto to have.  Nehemiah must have thought all was against him but he remembered the Lord and that he was doing His will.  It is helpful for us in whatever situation we are in to 'Remember the Lord'.  With Him nothing is impossible and He is in control of ALL things.

Tonight we had an encouraging prayer meeting where we were reminded that our souls can experience a winter time, like the long winter we have had, but spring comes and there is new growth and much to encourage.  This can be on an individual basis or more broadly within the church.  We must pray for personal and corporate revival in this day of great need and often great discouragement, but the Lord can revive.


We have missed a few triathlon updates:

Last Week - Run x2, cycle (8 miles) and strength
Previous week - 2xrun, strength

I was disappointed to realise that my longer running route is just 4.8 km, I thought it was over 5 km but had forgotten the extra section of the route I used to do!

Plan: Longer runs, further cycle and add swimming again.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Do you now believe?

Pastor spoke on this verse from John 16 at the Lords table on Sunday.  My mind drifted....

How true as we look on those emblems of the shed blood and broken body we see the amazing love of our Saviour and the Godhead for us as sinners.  It made me think of all those things that are on my mind - doubts, fears, concerns, anxieties etc.  When we look on what Christ has done for us it is as though He says - Do you now believe - that I love you, that I know you, that I am in control of all things, that I am with you.

Hallelujah, what a Saviour.

We were reminded this evening of how Great our God is, His mericies are new every morning and we are to lift up our hearts in prayer to Him concerning all things.


Last weeks training effort:

2 runs
1 strength
1 swim

One day was a longer run than normal and a swim on the same day - good progress.

Next weeks aim: CYCLE!

Friday, 5 March 2010

From the Calendar

I liked what the calendar said today, I only wish it were true of me:

'Clearly you are an epistle of Christ.... written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart.' 2 Corinthinans 3:3

When God gave the Law, He wrote it in stone.  Now He is writing on our hearts and we are to live out His message.  If people read you like a book, do they get your story or His? Remember, you are the only Bible some people will ever read - living epistles 'known and read of all men'.

We each write a Gospel, a chapter a day,
By deeds, looks and likes, the things that we say.
Our actions betray us - words faithful and true,
Say, what is the Gospel according to you?
Choice Gleanings Calendar

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

God's love

John 15:9 As the Father has loved me so have I loved you, abide in my love.

Heard a sermon mentioning this verse yesterday and was struck by how amazing it is.  God loves me with a wonderful, eternal, unconditional love and He will never leave us.  We know that He has all things planned and because He loves us 'all things work together for good'.

'For I know whate'er befall me, Jesus doeth all things well.'  

Tri harder!

Oh dear, last week was not an improvement in my training schedule:

2x runs (3 miles)
1x strength

Room for improvement!