Sunday, 17 May 2020

Coronavirus Reflections #9

Last Sunday the prime minister made an announcement about the plans to reduce the restrictions of lockdown. The message was not altogether clear. However this week the first changes have been put in place. Anyone that can't work from home should go to work. We are now allowed to exercise as much as we like and drive to the place for exercise and recreation. You can also meet one person from outside your household for exercise or recreation outdoors but maintaining the 2m social distancing. There are plans for schools to return in June and shops to open in July.

It was lovely to meet with a friend for a walk this week. So nice to spend time in someones company.

I've been applying to become one of the Covid contact tracers. Lots of osteopaths are. The application process is quite inconsistent and there are lots of hiccups with the training but its not surprising with the rapid roll out. I'm still at the application stage. There is talk of osteopaths returning to practice in the next few weeks but with some strict PPE and cleansing procedures. It all seems very onerous.

In some ways this week has been hard. There is the reality that the distancing measures are going to be in place for a long time yet and although not unexpected it is still somehow hard to accept.

I had an all day meeting on Zoom this week. It worked well.

I'm continuing to learn lots of new pieces on the piano which is a nice distraction. I've actually enjoyed doing scales and exercises to improve my technical ability. I find it strange when the mind-body connection is not there for the fingers to do what I want them to but practice builds skills.

The furlough scheme has been extended to October. There have been different grants available for businesses and the self-employed. I have been eligible for two.

I'm continuing to study Corinthians enjoying the orchestral piece speaking of divisions and sinful practices in the Corinth church coming to a peak in acknowledging one anothers gifts and necessity as part of the body of Christ. The most important gift of all is love. This has been wonderful teaching that I have needed.

Last Sunday we enjoyed preaching from Psalm 18, the Galatians bible study - what a difficult book, and then from Acts in the week.

I thought it would be good to list some of the things I have been learning in lockdown - skipping double and single leg, working towards doing the splits, graded exposure cycling to limits, new piano pieces - about 6 now, the garden and the house are clean and tidy, studying Pleasing God, Corinthians and Proverbs, reading more books. I thought I would get into studying more Greek and Hebrew but haven't really got into that yet and I have dabbled in improvising on the piano but would like to do more. It's a blessing to have so much time for these things without commuting each day.

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