Sunday, 5 July 2020

Coronavirus Reflections #16

This week has ended with the biggest easing of restrictions that we have had. Yesterday hairdressers, pubs and restaurants were allowed to open. Many were desperate for a haircut so there were several stories of queues for the barbers.

Churches are now allowed to meet under particular guidance. Social distancing must continue, no singing is allowed. The church has a one way system with sanitiser on entry and exit. Doors and windows have to be opened and every other pew is blocked off. We look forward to being able to gather together in the Lord's house again although it will be difficult to have fellowship with one another and we are not allowed to sing. The service is aiming to be a blend of worship in the church and those who still need to remain at home.

We can also now meet inside one another's homes - 2 households only.

I've done quite a few Track and Trace shifts this week. It has been difficult to get shifts due to demand so mine have been a bit sporadic.

Work continues to be from home but this week the clinics have all been fully booked so demand has increasing. Osteopathic colleagues are reporting a lot of demand for their services too.

Now remains the time to reflect and apply the lessons of lockdown - God removed sport, work, church fellowship, family interaction, pubs, restaurants, gyms and left us to ourselves causing many to reflect. Now we are able to return to church but not with instruments and singing - the focus is to be reading, prayer and preaching.

We praise the Lord for His mercy and pray for His continued teaching and revival of the church, and nation.

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