Friday 9 April 2010


There has been a break in triathlon training due to a skiing holiday.  Had a fantastic time in Austria, snow was very good and scenery fantastic.

We has some good talks from Ecclesiastes, a real challenge about our priorities in life and building our lives on God and living in fear of Christ.  Made me realise that there is nothing wrong with those periods when we feel life is very monotonous because we are building our lives on Christ and that is what He has planned for us.  I was pleased how the speaker was able to tie in the Easter messages with the passages in Ecclesiastes on the appropriate days.  I so enjoyed looking at parts of Ecclesiastes I am continuing to study it in my quiet times this week.

On Easter Sunday we worshiped in an English speaking church with some very encouraging sermons.  'But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept.' 1 Corinthians 15 v20.  Jesus is Christ is risen and lives today, He is the token, the surety of the rising again of His people - Hallelujah.  In the evening the service was bilingual, it was lovely to be united with Austrian believers and enjoy a wonderful time worshiping our God, a special service.  The sermon was about the two who Jesus spoke to on the road after His resurrection.  The preacher had 5 points about their hearts - Mistaken hearts, Humble hearts, Burning hearts, Pleading hearts and Satisfied Hearts.  How wonderful to have Jesus ministering to them in such a personal way for a long time, as the minister remarked, wouldn't it have been amazing to hear what He said as He expounded the Scriptures, but that was not for us to know.

I am very thankful for a good holiday and being kept free from injury and a time of spiritual refreshment.

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