Friday, 28 May 2010

Heavenly singing

I wonder if I'll get any responses to this?  Over recent months from time to time I have been thinking about heaven and wondered what the singing will be like there.  Revelation 15:3 says they will have the harps of God and be singing the song of Moses.

Sometimes on Classic FM I hear a beautiful choral piece - 'Gloria in Excelsis' was a recent one, and the beauty of the singing voices makes me think of heaven - is that how it will be, music that makes us tingle inside.  Of course being in the presence of God will be the most awe-inspiring thing.

I often think when we are singing in church, surely it won't sound like this!  When I hear the singing of more charismatic churches when you can hear the praise, joy and happiness in the singing, maybe it will be more like that I think.  Of course we do not know, but it is nice to think and maybe feel inspired in our own worship of God.

'O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.' Psalm 96:9


Issie-828 said...

Don't you think there will be dancing too - how can you keep still when singing joyful praise songs?

Cloudy Skies said...

Mmmm, I hadn't thought about dancing, that certainly puts things in a different light. Seems natural to move to music. I suppose we will all be able to dance perfectly because our bodies will be perfect. Should we be reflecting this in our worship?