Wednesday, 29 December 2010

A Great Legacy

This is a quote from a book I have found very helpfull on Prayer by O. Hallesby:

"It is written ' Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life' Psalm 23:6.  Verily the answers to your prayers will follow you, and none of them will fail to reach their destination.They are yours from the very moment you begin to pray in the name of Jesus, but they do not all reach you just as quickly.  And when you have prayed, it is not any more necessary for you to exert yourself to receive answers to your prayers than it is to exert yourself to receive letters which have been addressed to you.  They are brought by our efficient postal system directly to our doors.
This shower of answers to prayer will continue to your dying hour.  Nor will it cease then.  And when you pass out from beneath the shower, your dear ones will step into it.  Every prayer and every sigh which you have uttered for them and their future will, in god's time, descend upon them in a gentle rain of answers to prayer.
My friend, if you are not able to leave your children a legacy in the form of money or goods, do not worry about that.  And do not wear yourself to death either physically or spiritually in order to accumulate a great deal of property for your children; but to see to it, night and day, that you pray for them.  Then you will leave them a great legacy of answers to prayer, which will follow them all the days of their life.  
He who thus provides for his whole future life by child-like, persevering prayer will experience answers to prayer: not only in life, but also in death."

Monday, 27 September 2010

Catching up...

Arrrgh, how did a month disappear without writing anything??!?!?  Have got a few posts in mind, so watch this space....

I had the joy of attending a baptismal service last weekend from my previous church in London.  It was lovely to see young people who I had seen growing up, taught in Friday club and worked with on activity week publicly testifying to their commitment to the Lord.  It is wonderful to hear of the different means God uses to call people to Himself.  There were 4 being baptised, 2 brothers aged about 14 and 17, another boy aged 17 and a girl aged 22, all different nationalities showing the worldwide reach of the gospel in London.  I will give a brief summary of their testimonies:

1) The girl was on a gapyear in Japan and was caused to realise there was a creator through being awe-struck observing the sea and considering how amazing it is and the ecosystems involved, she then realised she knew who that creator was and was caused to seek after Him.

2) The youngest boy was challenged when he nearly fell from a height playing a game on Christian camp, collecting hidden ribbons.  He realised that he didn't know where he would go if he had fallen and died, and was caused to turn to the Lord.

3) The brother was saved through the preaching of the word and family worship, a gradual calling and changing of his heart.

4) The other boy was saved through a challenge in a sermon at a Christian conference.

We do not know what means the Lord will use to save souls, but we can be encouraged that He does call and save in His own amazing ways and timing so we must be encouraged to keep on praying for those souls laid on our hearts.

Saturday, 28 August 2010

I will build my church

I have recently heard 2 excellent sermons on 'I will build my church' a great promise of Jesus.  It has started me thinking about the outreach of the church and our witness.  It is all very exciting if someone goes to serve the Lord in a township in Africa or a village in Peru but what about our homeland.  What do we think of someone serving the Lord in little church in little village in homeshire?  We should be living as missionaries in our own neighbourhoods, seeking to serve the Lord and reach out to the lost.  If we saw ourselves as missionaries - people serving with a mission - how differently would we live our lives?  Should we move to areas where there are small struggling churches so we can help them and add to their numbers or should we join the large popular church 20 miles away where we can have good fellowship and don't have many duties?

I know I have a lot to change in my life to be able to serve more faithfully.  I need to learn to speak more about my Saviour, it is so easy to talk about church and church politics, but what about Jesus?  Much more to pray about and much more to learn and to act upon.

In the sermon at my church the preacher highlighted the number of villages within a few miles of the church with no gospel witness.  If just 0.025% of the people living in those villages came to the church we would double our congregation, surely that is a stimulus for out-reach and should give us a vision for our prayers, imagine if we got 1% the church would be full! - With God all things are possible. Mark 10:27

Monday, 16 August 2010

Sensitive Measures

Taken from Tinshill evangelical church magazine

A carrot, an egg and a cup of coffee… you will never look at a cup of coffee the same way again.

A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved, a new one arose.
Her mother took her into the kitchen. She filled three pans with water and placed each on a high heat. Soon the pots came to boil. In the first she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she placed
ground coffee beans. She let them sit and boil, without saying a word. In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl. Turning to her daughter she asked “Tell me, what do you see?”
“Carrots, eggs, and coffee”, she replied. Her mother brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft. The mother then asked the daughter to take an egg and break it. After peeling off the shell, she observed the hard boiled egg. Finally, the mother asked the daughter to sip the coffee. The daughter smiled as she tasted its rich aroma. The daughter then asked “What does it mean?” Her mother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity – boiling water. Each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to the boiling water it softened and became weak. The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid
interior, but after sitting through boiling water, its inside became hardened. The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water. “Which are you?” she asked her daughter. “When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?”

Think of this; Which am I? Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength? Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat? Did I have a fluid spirit, but after a death, a breakup, a financial hardship or some other trial, have I become hardened and stiff? Does my shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and hardened heart? Or am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavour.

When things are at their worst, the Christian can trust in the Lord with all his/her heart knowing that He does all things well. When the hour is the darkest and trials are at their greatest the Christian waits patiently for God, trusting Him for all things. Whether the trial ends or strength is given to bear it, the fragrance of the presence of God brings light into the darkness and glory to God through the trust of His servant.
Remember this next time you have a cup of coffee.
(Submitted with kind permission of Anchored Magazine)

Saturday, 7 August 2010

Keswick convention #6 - In conclusion....

I had never been to Keswick before and I found it an extremely enjoyable and spiritually valuable holiday.  It is amazing to be in a meeting with 3000 other Christians all united in praising God.  Wandering around a town which is full of Christians is a little surreal where you can sit in a cafe and hear others engaged in spiritual conversation and many children with Biblical names.  Being able to follow the crowd of people going to the meetings is nice also.  Action Partners campsite was also fantastic - good facilities, good food and extremely well organised.
I hope from my notes you can have a feel of what the ministry was like.  I admit that my notes are a very feeble representation, and you would be far better getting the CD, I often was absorbed in the ministry (or sometimes distracted by the signing for the deaf) so forgot to write a lot of things.  Some of my notes have phrases written in italics which I found particularly helpful statements.  I think the overall emphasis was on keeping the eternal perspective, I personally find in my church and denomination very little is mentioned of the new heavens and earth and the future we have to look forward to in the preaching or the praying.  I hope that I will be enabled to keep my eyes fixed on the future hope of eternal glory and that new heavens and earth.

On the Sunday morning we went to Lakeside Congregational church in Keswick, the church was crammed full with an overflow in the adjacent church hall.  The ministry was very good, the church came recommended.  The pastor preached on 2 Peter 3:11 'What sort of people ought you to be?' We should be holy and godly.  This verse lies between a description of the past and the future.  Without God people have no future to mold their present.  Scripture is not just a special interest, it is intended to produce character in us.  God has called us to be separate and distinct, both as individuals and as a church.  Holy = washed in the blood, born in the Spirit, it is something in the heart, a change brought about by God.  Godliness = what comes out of the heart, what we do.  God rules this world and we are to live holy and godly lives because of what lies ahead of us - a new heavens and a new earth, eternity.

Friday, 6 August 2010

Keswick Convention #5 - more evening meetings

Wednesday - 2 Peter 3:1-13 Where is the world heading? Jonathan Stephen
1 Fatal forgetfulness of unbelievers/godless
They really want to believe that God doesn't exist so they 'forget' and deny the heavens exist and were created and there will be an end time of destruction.  There are no human answers without God.  God's word used water to form the earth and also used water to judge the earth in Noah's time.  At the final judgement there will be purging and cleansing through the use of fire.  The Bible is linear it has a beginning and an end.  A cyclical view of life, without God, is hopeless as explained in Ecclesiastes.

2 Forgetfulness of the godly
Even in Peter's time they thought they had been waiting a long time for the Day of the Lord.  God has delayed His coming because He is waiting for all the elect to be gathered, there is a gospel reason for the delay of the Lord's coming.  God is so patient, He is outside of time, He does not change, He has all the time in eternity.

Are you ready for the coming?
We must study to be holy and godly.  The Lord will come as the lover of your soul, the bridegroom.  We are experiencing the smallest deposit, what lies ahead will be so much greater.  Hope with love and faith is one of the three great engines driving the Christian life.  Christ needed the joy to be set before Him to endure the cross, how much more do we need the hope and joy to be in front of us.  We look forward to the coming of the Kingdom - Your Kingdom Come, Maranatha.

Thursday night was the mission evening, and was recorded for the BBC Sunday morning worship.  Steve Brady preached on the words of Jesus ' I will build my church'.  A short sermon for the BBC and then a longer more indepth sermon for us.  
Does the future have a church?
1 It is important that we know our foundations.  We need to be Biblically wise.  If you read 3 chapters a day and 5 on a Sunday, you could read the whole Bible in a year - an interesting fact!

2 Trust the Founder - Jesus will build the church

3 Join the Framework - The building is made of living stones.  Bricks are very similar/standard, stones are all different.  We need to lay aside other things and be equipped to serve the Lord

4 Engage in the Fight - The work of God is always opposed.  Go and give.

5 Embrace the Future - We win in the end, we have an Almighty God.  There will always be a church.

Friday - 2 Peter 3:14 -end Living in the light of the Future - Hugh Palmer
There is a new creation ahead to enjoy - the home of righteousness where you will be godly and at home.
1 Live looking forward
Make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace.  Be found with your sleeves rolled up, looking forward to the glory days

2 Remember the Future - Delay means salvation. 

3 Guard all of this by growing - not reatreating into a ghetto.  Aim to end well, not looking back how far you've come, looking forward.

Just some conculding thoughts tomorrow......

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Keswick convention #4 - Evening meetings

Here are the summaries of the evening meetings on 2 Peter, with a variety of speakers:

Saturday - 2 Peter 1: 1-4 Jonathan Lamb
The Christian life is a Christ-centre life.  The letter begins with a description of the Christian life:
1 Knowing Christ's call
Christ's call is the foundation of the Christian life.  There is only one faith, no first or second class, all are equal, benefiting equally from God's gifts.  It is an unshakeable call - Jesus Christ from beginning to end.

2 Experiencing Christ's power
We can be absoulutely sure and certain because we have all the resources we need for this journey.  Christ's power supplies all our needs.  We can lack certainty because we feel our inadequacy to live up to the standards of the Bible.  We are not left to our own devices.  Christ centred renewal = Christ experienced empowering.  If we have Jesus we have enough.

3 Trusting Christ's promises
We are now participating in Christ's glory and promises.

4 Sharing Christ's life
Through union with Christ we share His life.  Christianity is to be 'In Christ'. Increasingly we are separated from the world and become more like Christ.  True Christians have everything they need for life and godliness.  Whatever we are facing if we have Jesus we have enough. 

Sunday - The fruitful Christian 2 Peter 1:5-11 - Hugh Palmer
1 Faith that comes fully equipped
2 Faith that is kept effective
3 Faith that confirms your reservation
 We are required to add to our faith, not the faith.  It needs to be worked out in living and we must invest in our faith.  The characteristics listed enable our faith to keep growing.  Faith comes fully equipped, it is not just sitting back and doing nothing.  God longs to give us an entrance to eternal life.

Monday - Remember, remember - 2 Peter 1:12-21 Jonathan Stephen
Peter cares so much for his people he wants to tell them he loves them and wants them to know the Lord.  Peter reflects on the meaning of the resurrection and transfiguration.  As Peter saw Jesus unveiled, He saw prophetically the return of Jesus.  It rendered the coming of Jesus absolutely certain.  Not long before, Peter was a fisherman and here He is confirming the great Prophets.  Peter gives a model of understanding the old testament in the light of the new.  
Peter is relentlessly Christ-centred.   Our supreme incentive in Christ-centred living is the second coming.  We need to see Christ in all the scriptures.  Fix your mind on Jesus and you inevitably grow in holiness, Christ-centred work, leisure, church, relationships....

Tuesday - 2 Peter 2 Springs without water - Derek Burnside
Be Alert
There will be false teachers.  The concept of heresy demands a belief in absolute truth.  Our world bombards us with heresy.  False teaching needs to be looked for in:  Contempory culture, the wider church, our own denomination/church and in ourselves.

How to recognise false teachers
There catch phrase is Be Free - denying Christ's ownership of them.  Freedom from Christ's return so free from God's judgement and free to do do as you please.  They are condemned, having wreaked havoc.  We must search our own hearts and turn around where we have been exploited by false teaching.  Any shadows of fallen teachers over our lives need to be dealt with - the shadow of rebellion against the Lordship of Jesus.

More evening messages tomorrow...

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Keswick Convention #3 - More Don Carson

Don Carson's morning addresses continued:

3) Matthew 11:2-19 Are you greater than King David?
1 Portrait of a discouraged baptist
John is in prison and doubts because Jesus is not the Messiah he anticipated (Matthew 3:9-13)

2 Portrait of a defended baptist
Jesus tells the crowd not to condemn John the Baptist because of his questions.  John was greater than all before because he pointed out Jesus in person.

3 Portrait of an eclipsed baptist
John is eclipsed by ordinary people.  The least in the kingdom can confess Jesus mor comprehensively than John with the benefit of post resurrection insight.
The title to the sermon comes from v11, and a link to a verse relating to David which I failed to note down, maybe in the Psalms - any answers welcome.
What makes you great? Proclamation and witness of who Jesus is and the kingdom to come.

4) Matthew 24 & 25 How to wait for Jesus
1 Wait as those who do not want to be surprised by the Master's return
We don't know when He is coming.  It will be like they days of Noah - they were living ordinary lives.  The flood was unexpected except to those who were waiting as will be the coming of the Son of Man.

2 Wait as stewards who must give account of their service
There are many who appear to be following the Master but forget they will have to give an account.

3 Wait as those who hone the Master's coming may be long delayed
This should engender perseverance and a sense of strategy - training the next generation, passing on our heritage.  Live, give, plan, pray and serve in light of a possible long wait.

4 Wait as those who understand they must enhance their Master's assets
The equivalent of half a million pounds to take care of is considered small things compared to the great responsibilities we will be given in heaven.  We should live lives of obedience, witnessing and using our gifts, graces and money to enhance the assets He has bestowed on us.

5 Wait as people transformed by the gospel so they are unselfconsciously serving brothers and sisters in Christ
Transformed by grace they take care of one another because they are part of the redeemed family of God.

5) Matthew 27: 27-51 The Ironies of the Cross
The Man mocked as King is the King
The Man who is utterly powerless is all powerful - powerless to carry His cross, but destroys the temple
The Man who cannot save Himself saves others - cannot is moral, because He came to do His Father's will
The Man who cries out in despair trusts God - The cry went up so no child of God will have to use this cry

Evening meetings tomorrow.....

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Keswick Convention #2 - Don Carson

Don Carson took the morning meetings with expositions from Matthew, it was thrilling to hear the gospel expounded drawing from all of scripture, I offer a summary of my notes which very inadequately represents the messages:

1) Matthew 5: 17-48, Jesus fulfills the Law of God. (part of the sermon on the mount)
Six  times in this passage is repeated: 'You have heard that it was said..... but I say to you....'  Jesus explains how our righteousness must exceed that of the Scribes and Pharisees.  The chapter may drive us to self-righteousness, popousness or despair.  We will never be good enough but this passage is to be understood in the context of Matthew's gospel, Jesus has come to fulfill the law, He brings to pass that which was predicted - the new covenant, abolishing the Day of Atonement, passover etc.   The dawning of a new kingdom has started now, in the new heavens and the new earth all these requirements will take place.  
We are not what we were, we are not what we will be but by God's grace we are what we are.

2) Matthew 8:1-17 The authority of Jesus
 As shown in the sermon on the mount, Jesus taught as one having authority - I say to you....
1 The authority of Jesus to heal and transform is implicit in His mission and person
Jesus has all authority, all the omnipotence of God.  One word from Jesus can bring worldwide revival.  The leper's statement recognises Jesus' authority.
2 The authority of Jesus, formerly submissive to the law, transforms it and transcends it
Jesus does not tell the leper the law is over but tells him to go to the priest.
3 The authority of Jesus is so sweeping that when Jesus speaks, God speaks
In the army the whole chain of command speaks through the one commander -  when the centurion speaks, Caesar speaks.  When Jesus speaks, God speaks.  All of God's authority is mediated through His Son until the second coming.
4 The Authority of Jesus is a great comfort to the eye of faith but a terror to the merely religious.
There is an eternal dimension to the gospel, fundamental to understanding who Jesus is and what He has done.  Salvation is first and foremost about being reconciled to God - now and forever.  It is no good taking care of the poor or the environment but going to hell.  The heart of the gospel is Jesus crucifiction and resurrection.
5 Jesus' authortiy is in function of His work on the cross
The atonement - Christ has born all sin, there is a resurrection body and a new heaven and earth.  It is paid for, it is done but by God's wise decree the pouring out of these blessings still waits.
a) Perfect healing is secured in the cross, all disease will be gone forever.
b) Matthew's gospel ends with the great commission 'All authority is given in heaven and earth... When we pray we are confessing His authority to heal, forgive, transform, rule over our lives until every knee shall bow and confess Him as Lord.

More tomorrow.........

Monday, 2 August 2010

Keswick Convention Week 1 2010 #1

This week I am going to attempt to post each day a summary of the ministry from Keswick Convention Week 1 which I attended for the first time a couple of weeks ago.

My friend and I stayed on the Action Partners campsite which was fantastic.  Once we managed to pitch the tent (which wasn't without some difficult and much needed assistance) avoiding the parcels left by the cows, we really enjoyed the camping experience.  Action Partners do all the catering for around 200 people and there is an abundance of food for every meal and supper.  The facilities were fantastic.

Add caption

The week started with rain and more rain and then more rain until Tuesday afternoon when it brightened up.  Camping in the rain is challenging and I was definitely glad when it stopped and remained dry for the rest of the week.

The main speaker for the week was Don Carson and the evening speakers included Jonathan Stephen, Steve Brady, Jonathan Lamb and others.  But more about them another day.....

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Food verdict....

The pie was very salty but quite tasty anyway.  Sausage rolls are nice.  Still to try the lasagne.  These new products do seem to have a very high quantity of salt in them so they will just be occasional additions to my diet!

I have lots to blog about, just need the time and am trying to get my new camera up and running to post some more pictures.

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Food excitement!

I am not sure I have mentioned on the blog before that I only eat gluten free food.  It was very exciting this evening to walk up the frozen isle in Tesco and discover gluten free:

  • Beef pie
  • Sausage rolls
  • Lasagne

Food I haven't eaten for years, how very exciting! Can't wait to try them, will let you know how they rate.....!


I did it!! Made it round, beating my target of 2 hours and have raised nearly £300 for Caring for Life.  Had a fantastic time, loved the experience of being with so many people with a common purpose and achieving an ambition - great!

Friday, 4 June 2010

Tomorrow's the big day....

Triathlon day tomorrow, feeling a bit nervous.  Hope all the training pays off and the heat is not too much.  Aiming for 2 hours, will let you know how it goes.... if you want to donate..

Friday, 28 May 2010

Heavenly singing

I wonder if I'll get any responses to this?  Over recent months from time to time I have been thinking about heaven and wondered what the singing will be like there.  Revelation 15:3 says they will have the harps of God and be singing the song of Moses.

Sometimes on Classic FM I hear a beautiful choral piece - 'Gloria in Excelsis' was a recent one, and the beauty of the singing voices makes me think of heaven - is that how it will be, music that makes us tingle inside.  Of course being in the presence of God will be the most awe-inspiring thing.

I often think when we are singing in church, surely it won't sound like this!  When I hear the singing of more charismatic churches when you can hear the praise, joy and happiness in the singing, maybe it will be more like that I think.  Of course we do not know, but it is nice to think and maybe feel inspired in our own worship of God.

'O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.' Psalm 96:9


Sorry its been so long since a triathlon update - only 1 week to go now!!

There was a bit of a hiccup in the training due to a heavy cold two weeks ago which interupted training for over a week.  I thought it would be disasterous but there does not seem to have been any long-term effects.  Last week I did two cycle-run sessions and it is getting much easier running after cycling although still not very fast but much less pain!  This week I have done another cycle-run and hope to do one more tomorrow, a couple of swim sessions and that should be it!

I have set a personal goal of trying to complete the event in 2 hours, but that will be very much dependent on the weather and conditions.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Tri-ing more!

Last week I tried something new again.  I have now discovered it is comfortable to run in my swimming costume when it is both dry and wet (because I had been swimming!)

The week's achievements:
Run and swim
Cycle and short run - easier this time, but need to be able to run the full distance.

Feel like I am getting there, but hope I am ready in time!!

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Election after a Revival?

I was thinking the other day about if there was a revival in this country then how different the election manifestos would be.  There would be great benefits to society in general, the economy, here are just a few I could think of, I am sure there are many more, of course we would all still be sinners so it would not be a perfect country!
  • No more Sunday opening - green benefits from reduced energy expenditure, economy savings
  • Reduced policing requirements, due to reduction in crime
  • Reduced income from alcohol and cigarette taxes 
  • Overall tax revenue increase as people pay the taxes owed, and no longer swindle the tax system
There are many more political benefits, I'm sure you can think of some.  We must keep praying, with our God nothing is impossible.

Monday, 26 April 2010


We haven't had a triathlon update for a while, but things are continuing to progress.

Last weeks efforts were two runs and an 15km and 20km bike rides.  For the first time I did the full bike ride and then tried a short run immediately afterwards.  All I can say is that I definitely need more practice at combining disciplines!  My legs felt like very heavy bean bags hanging from my body when I first started but that wore off after a while and then the burning pain came into the calfs as they felt like they were going to cramp up.  An interesting experience but all symptoms soon wore off, especially when I stopped!!!

Friday, 9 April 2010

Caring for Life

Caring for Life is a charity I have had an interest in for many years.  Last night I went to the first meeting of a local supporters group.  We had a lovely time of fellowship and prayer.  We watched a DVD with information about the charity and testimonies from the people in their care.  It is so moving and humbling to hear people with great needs testifying to the goodness of God and passionate about living for Him.  

For anyone that doesn't know, CfL is a charity based on a farm in Leeds who run projects for supporting people with needs, including agriculture, arts, horticulture, music etc. etc. They also have two homes where they offer care to those with mental and emotional needs.  The unique aspect of this charity is that they offer 'Care for Life' differentiating them from many other charities.  The project aims to share the love of Jesus with all who come into contact with them and they have seen many conversions and had wonderful opportunities with high profile figures.  Due to their strong Christian principles there is often difficulty obtaining funding so they rely heavily on supporters.  They are looking for more supporters to give just £1 per week to help them continue and expand their work.   If you are interested see:


There has been a break in triathlon training due to a skiing holiday.  Had a fantastic time in Austria, snow was very good and scenery fantastic.

We has some good talks from Ecclesiastes, a real challenge about our priorities in life and building our lives on God and living in fear of Christ.  Made me realise that there is nothing wrong with those periods when we feel life is very monotonous because we are building our lives on Christ and that is what He has planned for us.  I was pleased how the speaker was able to tie in the Easter messages with the passages in Ecclesiastes on the appropriate days.  I so enjoyed looking at parts of Ecclesiastes I am continuing to study it in my quiet times this week.

On Easter Sunday we worshiped in an English speaking church with some very encouraging sermons.  'But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept.' 1 Corinthians 15 v20.  Jesus is Christ is risen and lives today, He is the token, the surety of the rising again of His people - Hallelujah.  In the evening the service was bilingual, it was lovely to be united with Austrian believers and enjoy a wonderful time worshiping our God, a special service.  The sermon was about the two who Jesus spoke to on the road after His resurrection.  The preacher had 5 points about their hearts - Mistaken hearts, Humble hearts, Burning hearts, Pleading hearts and Satisfied Hearts.  How wonderful to have Jesus ministering to them in such a personal way for a long time, as the minister remarked, wouldn't it have been amazing to hear what He said as He expounded the Scriptures, but that was not for us to know.

I am very thankful for a good holiday and being kept free from injury and a time of spiritual refreshment.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010


A week or so ago I heard a very encouraging sermon from Nehemiah 4: 'Remember the Lord'.  A good motto to have.  Nehemiah must have thought all was against him but he remembered the Lord and that he was doing His will.  It is helpful for us in whatever situation we are in to 'Remember the Lord'.  With Him nothing is impossible and He is in control of ALL things.

Tonight we had an encouraging prayer meeting where we were reminded that our souls can experience a winter time, like the long winter we have had, but spring comes and there is new growth and much to encourage.  This can be on an individual basis or more broadly within the church.  We must pray for personal and corporate revival in this day of great need and often great discouragement, but the Lord can revive.


We have missed a few triathlon updates:

Last Week - Run x2, cycle (8 miles) and strength
Previous week - 2xrun, strength

I was disappointed to realise that my longer running route is just 4.8 km, I thought it was over 5 km but had forgotten the extra section of the route I used to do!

Plan: Longer runs, further cycle and add swimming again.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Do you now believe?

Pastor spoke on this verse from John 16 at the Lords table on Sunday.  My mind drifted....

How true as we look on those emblems of the shed blood and broken body we see the amazing love of our Saviour and the Godhead for us as sinners.  It made me think of all those things that are on my mind - doubts, fears, concerns, anxieties etc.  When we look on what Christ has done for us it is as though He says - Do you now believe - that I love you, that I know you, that I am in control of all things, that I am with you.

Hallelujah, what a Saviour.

We were reminded this evening of how Great our God is, His mericies are new every morning and we are to lift up our hearts in prayer to Him concerning all things.


Last weeks training effort:

2 runs
1 strength
1 swim

One day was a longer run than normal and a swim on the same day - good progress.

Next weeks aim: CYCLE!

Friday, 5 March 2010

From the Calendar

I liked what the calendar said today, I only wish it were true of me:

'Clearly you are an epistle of Christ.... written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart.' 2 Corinthinans 3:3

When God gave the Law, He wrote it in stone.  Now He is writing on our hearts and we are to live out His message.  If people read you like a book, do they get your story or His? Remember, you are the only Bible some people will ever read - living epistles 'known and read of all men'.

We each write a Gospel, a chapter a day,
By deeds, looks and likes, the things that we say.
Our actions betray us - words faithful and true,
Say, what is the Gospel according to you?
Choice Gleanings Calendar

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

God's love

John 15:9 As the Father has loved me so have I loved you, abide in my love.

Heard a sermon mentioning this verse yesterday and was struck by how amazing it is.  God loves me with a wonderful, eternal, unconditional love and He will never leave us.  We know that He has all things planned and because He loves us 'all things work together for good'.

'For I know whate'er befall me, Jesus doeth all things well.'  

Tri harder!

Oh dear, last week was not an improvement in my training schedule:

2x runs (3 miles)
1x strength

Room for improvement!

Saturday, 20 February 2010

Triathlon training

I have entered a triathlon on 5th June so I plan to put weekly updates of my training progress on here - partly as a check on myself and also an insentive to keep going. The race is a 750m swim, 20K (~12 miles) bike  and 5K (~3 miles) run, in that order. 

This week:
2x 3 mile runs
1x 750m swim - all crawl for the first time ever
1x strength training session

Targets to improve: More strength training and a bike session.

Thursday, 18 February 2010

New experience

Today I interviewed someone for the first time.  I found it an enjoyable experience, hopefully they did too!  Made me feel old though.  A new graduate, fresh out of college with ideas and ambitions and inexperience.  I realise how much I have learnt and developed over the last 7 years.  I also realise that I still have an enormous amount to learn.  So now I am about to become a Principal for the first time, I hope I can use all the experiences I have had, good and bad, to be a good Principal and help someone begin their osteopathic career.

Friday, 12 February 2010

A helpful hymn:

My rest is in heaven; my rest is not here
Then why should I murmer when trials are near?
Be hushed my dark spirit! The worst that can come
But shortens my journey, and hastens thee home

It is not for me to be seeking my bliss
And building my hopes in a region like this
I look for a city which hands have not piled
I pant for a country by sin undefiled

The thorn and the thistle around me may grow
I would not lie down upon roses below
I ask not my portion, I seek not a rest
Till I find them, O Lord, in Thy sheltering breast

Afflictions may damp me, they cannot destroy
One glimpse of Thy love turns them all into joy
And the bitterest tears, if Thou smile but on them
Like dew in the sunshine, grow diamond and gem

Let doubt then, and danger, my progress oppose
They only make Heaven more sweet at the close
Come joy, or come sorrow, whate'er may befall
And hour with my God will make up for it all

Thursday, 21 January 2010

1 year on...

All the way my Saviour leads me;
What have I to ask beside?
Can I doubt His tender mercy,
Who through life has been my Guide?
Heav’nly peace, divinest comfort,
Here by faith in Him to dwell!
For I know, whate’er befall me,
Jesus doeth all things well;

All the way my Saviour leads me,
Cheers each winding path I tread;
Gives me grace for every trial,
Feeds me with the living Bread.
Though my weary steps may falter,
And my soul athirst may be,
Gushing from the Rock before me,
Lo! A spring of joy I see;

All the way my Saviour leads me
O the fullness of His love!
Perfect rest to me is promised
In my Father’s house above.
When my spirit, clothed immortal,
Wings its flight to realms of day
This my song through endless ages—
Jesus led me all the way;

It is a year since I started blogging today.  I have enjoyed blogging although not as much as I enjoy reading others blogs and my posts have been somewhat erratic.  I hope to continue through next year with more regular postings.  This also means that it is my birthday today and especially in the last few days the above hymn has been on my mind.  I can certainly testify to the Lord's leading in all things and rejoice at the Ebenezers so far and trust Him for the furture.

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Word in season:

The LORD shall fight for you and ye shall hold your peace. (KJV)

The LORD will fight for you and you have only to be silent. (ESV)  Exodus 14:14

Friday, 15 January 2010

Heading for 30.....

For the past couple of years I have used a chronological reading plan taking you through the Bible in a year.  This year I have been taking a different approach in my quiet times using some ideas from a few websites I looked at.  I am using a 180 day overview of the Bible which takes you through the 'highlights' of the message of salvation through the Bible.  I have almost finished the chapters from Genesis and today was reading about Joseph's release from prison to interpret Pharaoh's dreams and his subsequent promotion to 'Prime Minister'. It is amazing when you consider the pathway God used from the first dreams Joseph had telling him others would bow down to him until he gets to this position.  I go through the passage verse by verse, writing a short summary and considering the message of the passage and its application today.  For Genesis I have used the commentary by Mr Eveson also which has been very helpful.

Today the commentary highlighted that Joseph was 30 when he attained the position of leadership in Egypt, David was 30 when he began to reign as king, and Jesus was about 30 when he began his public ministry. I found this quite encouraging. 

Saturday, 9 January 2010


I have recently been thinking about the 'peace of God' and wanted to do a Bible study on it.  Last night, very unusually, I was sat listening to Premier Christian radio and heard a sermon which really helped.  It is really highlighting several verses which direct us how we can have this peace:

The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:5-7

Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved. Psalm 55:22

Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.Psalm 68:19

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Isaiah 26:3

The key points were not to be anxious but to cast our burdens on the Lord, who daily bears our burdens.  To live a life of prayer at all times so that when times of difficulty come prayer is natural for us.  To trust in God for He is in control of all things.  So when difficulties come in order to enjoy the peace of God we should immediately cast our burden on the Lord and pray.  We can think of past situations where He has helped and be thankful and trust Him for help in this.  If we focus on the trouble that consumes us but if we focus on God, He upholds us and we can enjoy peace and so keep things in perspective.  This is a way I would love to live but have already failed today, so must continue to keep it as an aim to follow this guide and enjoy the peace of God.